Friday, September 24, 2010

Forbidden City: Beijing, China

The universally acclaimed symbol for the length and quality of being great of Chinese civilization is undoubtedly the Great Wall, but the Forbidden City is more immediately majesty and artistically one of the most comprehensive in China. The palace was also named as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1987.

The Forbidden city begins in 1407 where over a million laborers began its construction. Thirteen years in the making of perfect and beautiful buildings, the interior is a sadistic yellow. Served as the seat of the Ming Dynasty, today it is a museum. The Forbidden city have 800 buildings that have in total about 9,999 rooms - and it is the world's largest palace complex of ancient time.
The digit 9 was seen as a special, magic number, especially for emperors, because it is the highest value ordinal. Also, the word for nine in Chinese, 'jiu', is a homonym for "long / lengthy". The length of the area is 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers 720,000 square meters.
The bricks of the wall are said to be made partly from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made partly from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials were said to make the wall extraordinarily strong.

Nowadays, millions of tourist are visiting the palace, Including one of my Facebook friend who are really having fan of traveling around beautiful cities. 

Photo courtesy: Doc Junio ( In blue short)

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